• I specified validation for a field, but it doesn’t seem to
work at all.
When validation was set-up, you clicked Cancel instead of OK to close the validation dialogue. Your specifications were not recorded.
Your validation calculation has an error. Make a test form that displays the output of the validation calculation as you type into the validated fields.
Validation for an inert field that is not on the active form is ignored.
Validation does not operate for a field that is the target of a Post. When posting, validation only takes place at the source. The posted values are then stored directly into target fields, bypassing any validation they may possess.
• I type in correct information, but I still can’t enter the
Your validation calculation has an error.
You have validation for a field that is not on this form.
The validation has been changed, and you are really not entering correct information.
• I only made two “validation” Abacus icons. Why do more
show in the list?
Every Abacus icon that has a text-type result will be displayed. There are useful Tiles for validation other than If-Then-Else. For instance, if you wanted a field to always be defined before entering, you could place this field into an Undefined Becomes tile, and type a validation message in the second hole. This could take the place of two Tiles: If-Then-Else and Undefined.
• How do I take validation off of a field?
Open the Field icon and click the Validation button. Then deselect the selected item in the icon list. You may have to scroll the list to see the selected item. Deselect an item by clicking in the white space below the bottom of the list, or by clicking in the list and then dragging the cursor beyond the top or bottom of the list.